Speakers present at the Hello Tomorrow Global Summit 2017. “We wanted to bring a magic kind of feeling to the event,” Managing Director Guillaume Vandenesch said.
The Hello Tomorrow Global Summit is the flagship event for the French nonprofit organization, Hello Tomorrow, which was founded in 2011 by two French science-entrepreneurs — Xavier Duportet and Arnaud de la Tour — to help other science-entrepreneurs. Its mission is to identify the most promising science and technology projects around the globe and speed the transfer of breakthrough technologies to real-world solutions by giving them a platform and connecting them with investors and other resources.
What Happens at the Global Summit?
Thousands of scientists and entrepreneurs apply annually to Hello Tomorrow’s Global Challenge, which offers winners prize money, a chance to pitch from the Hello Tomorrow Global Summit stage, and one-on-one meetings with 200 international investors. Categories include aeronautics, data and AI; digital health; energy; food, agriculture and environment; global health; industrial biotech; industry 4.0; new materials; new mobility; new space; and wellbeing.
The 2019 Hello Tomorrow Global Summit is March 14–15, 2019, at The Centquatre-Paris in Paris, France.
What Is Deep Tech?
Deep technologies are innovations that have the potential to advance technological frontiers. They are disruptive solutions built around unique, protected, or hard-to-reproduce technological or scientific advances and have the potential to impact all industries and improve the human condition.
Why We Like It
The Hello Tomorrow Global Summit lives up to its name — in 2017, it invited speakers and startups from 92 different countries, which is more than half of the number of countries in the world.
In its earliest iterations, the Hello Tomorrow Global Summit looked and felt like any other technology conference, and had a much less catchy name: Science Innovation & Entrepreneurship. But a showcase for world-changing innovation should itself break the mold, said Hello Tomorrow’s Managing Director Guillaume Vandenesch, who credits Event and Experience Director Jeannette Boulanger with transforming the event. Boulanger employs a variety of theatrical and storytelling tools — live plants, live music, video, lighting, animation, and special effects — to create emotionally evocative thematic scenes on the summit’s three stages.
“We wanted to bring a magic kind of feeling to the event, one that feels personal and artistic,” Vandenesch said. “I strongly believe that the design of the event, the cinematography and everything, is fundamental in creating connections,” he said. “People wanted to go there and they want to meet. They feel special — and they want to talk to one another about it.”
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A brave soul gets the world’s first live tattoo by a robot at the Hello Tomorrow Global Summit. (Nicolas Jacquemin/La Clef)