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Speed Networking and Education Session: INSPIRE! It’s Your Choice

September 18, 2024 @ 10:30 am2:30 pm EDT



PCMA Canada East Chapter is hosting a special Networking and Education event in downtown Montreal at The Westin Montréal, 270 Rue Saint-Antoine O, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, H2Y 0A3.


Still undecided about attending the PCMA Canada East Chapter educational event in Montreal on September 18th?  We’ve got you covered!

Thanks to the generous sponsorship of Business Events Montréal, we’re offering a shuttle bus to transport you to and from the event—and the best part? Registration is completely free!

Please note that seating is limited, so it’s first come, first served.
Don’t miss out on this great “free” opportunity!

To sign up, click here. Logistical information will be emailed to you directly.

The event has been created with three different segments: an hour of networking at the beginning followed by an hour of education and finishing the day with another hour of networking. This will not be your typical networking event! The allotted networking time is for planners and suppliers to meet in a speed networking environment.

Each Supplier registered will need to purchase a table to find new opportunities. We invite planners to join this special event on a complimentary basis, making new connections, and expanding their network by interacting with one another in a more intimate setting.

By letting yourself be INSPIRED, you become INSPIRING!!

It’s easy to forget these things when we’re busy, stressed-out, in a changing world, or self-absorbed, but they make all the difference in the culture we create for ourselves and our organization.

“It’s the sum of all our choices (even the small ones) that will define who we’ll become and the impact we’ll have on others.”

INSPIRE is based on 4 interconnected principles that give us a new language to talk about how we want to treat each other, how we want to impact others and how to keep these ways of being in the front or our minds each day.

Martin Lespérance

His dream is that people are happy in their work! His objective is to INSPIRE people to take action so that they are happy, engaged and motivated, and their organizations make a difference in the world. He is 50% humor, 50% energy and 100% emotion. Martin Lespérance won the title of Inspirational Speaker of the Year 2023 at North America’s largest inspirational speaking competition, Speaker Slam. He spent his entire career in the field of coaching, teaching and training. He’s worked as an artistic gymnastics coach, a soldier-Medic in the Canadian Armed Forces Reserve, a high-school science teacher, an advisor with the Quebec Government Sports and Leisure Secretariat, a national trainer with Bayer, a national director of training and development with Essilor, he also launched a revolutionary optical product on the Canadian market, and he is certified in performance coaching with LMI. He is an expert communicator and an extremely passionate speaker. He knows how to light up a room full of participants and rouse their emotions to create memorable moments. He is enthusiastic, forthright, humorous, pragmatic and intelligent. In recent years, Martin has focused on giving inspirational trainings and keynotes to inspire teams achieve their ambitious goals, create inspiring cultures and take action. He has inspired entrepreneurs in more than 20 countries including China, Thailand, all over Europe, the United States and all across beautiful Canada. He hosts keynotes with creativity, humour, passion and generosity.


This year, we are honored to support Projets Autochtones du Québec (PAQ) by collecting small items for donation. Projets Auotchtones du Québec (PAQ) is an Indigenous organization that supports First Nations, Inuit and Métis people facing housing insecurity in Tio’tià : ke / Montreal. Using a culturally appropriate approach based on empowerment and harm reduction, we offer housing, housing options and services that promote healing and well-being, and strengthen community. We work in partnership with others to promote the health and housing rights of urban indigenous peoples.

Entering its 20th year of operation, PAQ is the largest community organization in Montreal serving Indigenous peoples.  Over the last 12 months, PAQ served 910 unique individuals through emergency shelter services, transitional housing, and permanent housing.

To donate, please click here.  To read more about the work that PAQ is doing, please visit the website at www.paqc.org.

Need ideas for small items to donate?

  • Soap
  • Shampoo
  • Comb/brush
  • Menstrual products
  • Toothbrush (we always get some free from the Dentist!)
  • Toothpaste
  • Dental Floss
  • Deodorant
  • Shaving cream and disposable razors


Le chapitre de l’est du Canada de PCMA est fier d’organiser un événement spécial de réseautage et d’éducation à Montréal, soit au Westin Montréal, 270 Rue Saint-Antoine O, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, H2Y 0A3

L’événement se déroulera en trois segments différents : une heure de réseautage, suivi d’une séance éducative d’une heure  suivi plus de réseautage en fin de journée. Ce ne sera pas votre événement d’affaires typique ! Le temps de réseautage alloué permettra aux planificateurs et aux fournisseurs de se rencontrer dans un contexte de « speed-dating » événementiel.

Chaque fournisseur inscrit devra acheter une table cocktail pour trouver de nouvelles occasions d’affaires. Nous invitons les planificateurs à se joindre gratuitement à cet événement unique pour créer d’excellentes relations, élargir leur réseau professionnel, tout en échangeant, les uns avec les autres, dans un cadre plus intime.

En vous laissant INSPIRER, vous devenez INSPIRANT!

Il est facile d’oublier ces choses lorsque nous sommes occupés, stressés, dans un monde en mutation ou égocentriques, mais elles font toute la différence dans la culture que nous créons pour nous-mêmes et pour notre organisation.

“C’est la somme de tous nos choix (même les plus petits) qui définira ce que nous deviendrons et l’impact que nous aurons sur les autres.”

INSPIRE repose sur 4 principes interconnectés qui nous offrent un nouveau langage pour parler de la manière dont nous voulons nous traiter mutuellement, de l’impact que nous voulons avoir sur les autres et de la manière de garder ces façons d’être à l’avant-plan de nos pensées chaque jour.

Cette année, nous sommes honorés de soutenir les Projets Autochtones du Québec (PAQ) en collectant de petits objets pour faire un don. Projets Auotchtones du Québec (PAQ) est un organisme autochtone qui accompagne les Premières Nations, les Inuits et les Métis confrontés à la précarité du logement à Tio’tià : ke / Montréal. En utilisant une approche culturellement adaptée et basée sur la responsabilisation et la réduction des méfaits, nous offrons de l’hébergement, des choix de logement et des services qui favorisent la guérison et le bien-être, et qui renforcent la communauté. Nous travaillons en partenariat avec d’autres acteurs pour promouvoir les droits à la santé et au logement des peuples autochtones en milieu urbain. Pour faire un don, cliquez ici.  Pour en savoir plus sur le travail accompli par PAQ, veuillez consulter le site web à l’adresse suivante : www.paqc.org

Besoin d’idées ?

  • Savon
  • Shampooing
  • Peigne/brosse
  • Produits menstruels
  • Brosse à dents (nous en recevons toujours gratuitement du dentiste !)
  • Dentifrice
  • Fil dentaire
  • Déodorant
  • Crème à raser et rasoirs jetables


Event Date: September 18, 2024
Time: 10:30 am – 2:30 pm
Location: The Westin Montréal, 270 Rue Saint-Antoine O, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, H2Y 0A3


Planners: FREE
Supplier Member Tabletop: $250
Supplier Non-Member Table: $350
Additional Reps: $200 per person

Register Today


September 18, 2024
10:30 am– 2:30 pm
Event Categories:
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PCMA Canada East Chapter
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