Taylor Nicole Abbate, CMP, DES, and other members of the PCMA 20 in Their Twenties class of 2021 will be introduced Wednesday on the Main Stage.
Members of the 20 in Their Twenties class of 2021, supported by PCMA Foundation and Experience Columbus, will be honored at EduCon this week. Taylor Nicole Abbate, CMP, DES, meeting planner at the American Public Works Association in Kansas City, Missouri, answered questions via email about her expectations for EduCon and beyond.
What have you missed most about in-person events?
I have missed being “wowed” by what an event looks like when it all comes together. PCMA always wows me with all the creative initiatives they bring to EduCon and Convening Leaders year after year.
What are you most looking forward to at EduCon in Phoenix?
I am most looking forward to meeting the other members of the PCMA 20 in Their Twenties Class of 2021. I am excited to finally meet everyone in my class in person!
What are you hoping to take away from your EduCon experience?
Great memories with new friends, inspiration from the keynote speakers, and plenty of education.
Who are you looking to meet at EduCon?
My classmates in the 20 in Their Twenties Class of 2021! I am also looking to meet other industry professionals from across the country to continue to expand my network and to continue to learn from each other.
Has your experience during the pandemic changed how you are thinking about your career? If yes, how?
This experience … [has] validated how much I truly love this industry. Even in the most difficult of times, my passion for the industry still remained strong. It made me want to continue to expand my knowledge in different aspects of the industry, such as the digital space. … I was inspired to earn my Digital Event Strategist (DES) certification from PCMA.
What skills are you looking to add to your toolkit in the near future?
I would love to add the skill of perfecting a hybrid event as well as how to optimize attendee engagement in hybrid events.
RELATED: Read Taylor Abbate’s 20 in Their Twenties questionnaire.