Hybrid events of the past typically broadcasted sessions on the in-person schedule, with filler content or “dead-air” breaks when the onsite schedule was not in session. Now the new meaning of hybrid is top of mind for the industry and the importance of engaging participants both onsite and online, giving them comparable meaningful experiences during the event, no matter the mode they choose. Participate in this session to hear about the fundamental mindset and skillset shifts that quickly became essential when designing and executing hybrid events.
- Understand how to create customized event experiences for onsite and online audiences.
- Examine the elements of the current online platforms that can enhance an attendee’s experience.
- Change your way of thinking about designing and programming a hybrid event.
- Duration: 00:51:10
- Date: 01/14/2021
- Speakers:
CMP Certification
- EIC Status: Designated
- CMP-IS Domain: G. Meeting or Event Design
- Clock Hours: 1