We get it, you’re busy. So, the Convene editors have curated the latest tips and trends in the world of work for you. Take a look at what caught our eye this past week.
A Two-Minute Burnout Checkup
Burnout is the result of chronic stress and, at work, that stress tends to accumulate around your experiences of workload, values, reward, control, fairness, and community. When taken regularly, this short assessment from Harvard Business Review can help you gauge whether you’re on the path to burnout, and where you should focus your attention to make beneficial changes.
The Perks and Perils of Remote-Work Gossip
In remote- and hybrid-work settings, the watercooler whisper to colleagues has been digitized. But spilling all online can be risky. BBC Worklife has more about how a new era of workplace surveillance and digital communication has raised the stakes around venting about a boss or other colleagues.
Stop Asking People ‘Can I Pick Your Brain?’ Instead, Use These 3 Tips to Ask For Advice
If you want someone to actually take time to give you advice, you must improve the quality of your ask, says Sarah Doody for Forbes. It’s time to ditch the “pick your brain” requests and be more strategic — and specific.
Why ‘Finding Your Purpose’ Matters – and 4 Ways to Find Yours
Often presented as the solution for people lacking direction, the notion of “finding your purpose” might sound like a cliche. But having a sense of purpose has been linked with a range of physical and mental health benefits. The Conversation explores why finding your purpose is less about goal setting and more about reflection and recognizing what brings you joy.