Arwa Mahdawi

Founder, president, chief hopes and dreams officer, and chief minority officer at Rent-a-Minority

Concerned by the lack of meaningful diversity initiatives across industries, freelance writer and brand strategist Mahdawi launched Rent-a-Minority, a satirical website that brings attention to the issue of tokenism in workplaces and at events. The website has been covered by the BBC, NPR, and The Atlantic, among other publications.

I think one of the issues with diversity is people get really depressed talking about it, or they get stressed. They’re worried about saying the wrong thing, or they don’t really want to talk about it. And I think humor is a good way to make a point to people whose ears might otherwise be closed.

Arwa Mahdawi
TOPICS: Race, diversity, inclusion, pop culture, technology

ABOUT PASS THE MIC: Looking to make your next business event more diverse, inclusive, and welcoming? There’s no better place to start than with your speakers. We’ve hand-picked a few who may fly under the radar in the speaker circuit but raise the bar in making events more diverse — and way more interesting.

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