Six Ways Medical Meetings Are Proving Their Value To Exhibitors (White Paper)
Medical meetings are finding other ways to demonstrate their value to current and prospective exhibitors. From beacon-collected data to lead scanners to third-party evaluations, ...
DEI: 5 Categories of Technology Solutions
Use this resource for tips to research the right technology solution for your digital events. The perfect technology fit should include all of your ...
DEI: Live Event Crew Management
Having the right crew members in place is the first step to producing a flawless event. Download our helpful resource today to review the ...
DEI: 3 Steps to Designing Breakout Sessions
Developing content sessions and specific topics can be complicated. Following this three-step process for designing breakout sessions removes the complication and sparks the inspiration! ...
DEI: Choosing Digital Streaming Technology – 3 Ways of Distributing
The request for proposal (RFP) process can be lengthy and complicated. There are many options and you want to choose the right fit for ...
DEI: Lessons Learned When Choosing a Technology Vendor
The RFP process can result in many lessons learned for your organization's needs. Save yourself some time by reviewing the lessons learned from our ...
2018 Education Conference Key Takeaways
The Education Conference Content Committee and PCMA staff combined their notes on the key insights they learned at the conference, along with the actions ...
PCMA Convene Quiz: Are you a “workaholic”?
Studies have suggested about 10 percent of the average population are workaholics. Depending on the context, the term "workaholic" can have many connotations. While ...
A Guide to Crisis Communications for Business Events Strategists
This guide focuses on communications (not operations) although the two are obviously inexorably linked and it is vital that they are joined up. We ...
2018 PCMA Convene Salary Survey
Nearly three-quarters of event organizers received a raise over the past year — and their average increase of nearly 7 percent is more than ...
Maximizing Attendance: Decision to Attend Study 2
The second Decision to Attend Study survey report – DTA2 – provides extensive insight on what drives attendance ...
The Present and Future of Technology in Business Events
This report aims to give business events industry professionals information that can help them think creatively and strategically about how to incorporate technology into ...