There are daily, non-stop flights into Dulles International Airport from literally all over the world. From the Walter E. Washington Convention Center and hotels where most people are staying, you can walk to every museum and every major monument in the city and they’ve benefited from that. The people working in the convention center are absolutely first class.”
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Meet in the nation’s capital, where economics, culture and academics unite. Learn more about how the connected capital continues to expand its industry knowledge economy with major sustainability advancements, transformative public transportation initiatives and access to the country’s leaders and lawmakers in DC, which benefit their attendees, sponsors and bottom line.
As the face of conventions, sports, entertainment and cultural events within our nation’s capital, Events DC attracts and promotes an extensive variety of events to the iconic Walter E. Washington Convention Center. Equipped to handle events of all sizes, the Convention Center covers an extraordinary 2.3 million-square-feet, is home to one of the largest public art collections, and is an industry leader in technology and implementing environmentally-friendly, sustainability initiatives.
Contact Us
Melissa A. Reley
Vice President, Convention Sales and Services
Destination DC
[email protected]
Linda Erickson
Vice President, Sales
Events DC
[email protected]