Digital Event Education Sessions & Webinars
Gain knowledge in a wide variety of topics through DEI’s on-demand sessions below. Become a PCMA member and access the entire library for free.
During this free webinar, you’ll learn how to use a combination of figures and open-ended feedback to gain more impactful insights about your audience, better evaluate event performance, and get stakeholders on board with your plans. Gary Coombs, CTO of IMEX, will share useful examples of how IMEX leverages event ...
Webinar: Putting Customers at the Center of Your Event Data Strategy with Sentiment Analysis
How do you build a stronger member community using in-person, hybrid, and virtual events? How often do your customers and partners want to engage with you? Join Eric Noël, Executive Vice President at Showcare and Professor of Marketing at HEC Montréal ...
Live Q&A: Growing Digital Communities with Events
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Meetings and conferences are data-rich entities that can leverage that data to generate revenue well beyond the event. Now, in addition to what you sell at your meeting, you can sell year-round engagement and connections ...
Webinar: Generating Year-Round Revenue with Meeting Data
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Hybrid events are complex and sometimes things can go wrong. Other times they can go horribly wrong! Learn about some of the worst-case scenarios from our veteran hybrid event experts. Use their war stories to better prepare yourself, and plan meaningful contingencies, should things go unexpectedly ...
Live Q&A: Hybrid Event Nightmares
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Successful hybrid events prioritize both the virtual and in-person attendee experience, rather than favoring one over another. This requires a unique set of skills that your in-person events team may not possess ...
Live Q&A: Successful Hybrid Events Depend on These Key Roles
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In 2022 events will drive the creation of rich digital communities for professionals everywhere. How do you attract an audience to your community? How do you engage them before, during, and after your events? What do successful communities have in common? Learn from community and content expert Mia Masson, who keeps ...
Live Q&A: Building World-Class Digital Communities
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If there is one thing the pandemic has taught us it's no matter how prepared you think you are, life can always throw you a curve ball. When live events were no longer an option, many organizations had to figure out quickly how to communicate to their members, customers, and ...
Webinar: Make Sure You Have a Plan B & C for Your Content Strategy
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PCMA’s team behind Convening Leaders 2022 got creative with hybrid solutions that answered travel challenges, health and safety concerns, and attendee engagement obstacles ...
Webinar: Pulling Back the Convening Leaders Curtain: Production & Content
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What will sponsors and exhibitors pay for your virtual or hybrid event? How can you maximize the ROI of their sponsorships? Join Meg Fasy as she explains how she creates winning virtual and hybrid event sponsorship packages for the world's leading brands ...
Live Q&A: Raise the Value of Your Virtual and Hybrid Event Sponsorships
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PCMA’s Event and Education Leaders Tonya Almond and Carrie Johnson will reveal the CL22 design journey from planning through execution. Sharing how the original experience evolved from the initial plan and touch on health and safety protocols, PCMA Promenade, education content pillars, our hybrid experience, and more ...
Webinar: Pulling Back the Convening Leaders Curtain: Experience Design
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What's the right platform and format for your hybrid or virtual event? With over 300 virtual event platforms to choose from, how can you make the right choice? ...
Live Q&A: How To Choose the Right Platform and Format for your Virtual and Hybrid Events
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Join us for a new PCMA series connecting you with like-minded individuals who are determined to be the best in business. This session with industry expert, Keaton Watson, was part of a new PCMA series, Future Event Masterminds, that connects you with like-minded individuals who are determined to be the ...
PCMA Future Event Masterminds: Effective Budgeting
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