
Rethinking the Traditional Model for Your Conference’s Education Program

Organizers spend a lot of time putting together their conference’s education sessions. Models vary, but most include a 15- to 20-person conference committee (slotters) and an army of reviewers (graders). It’s time to rethink the traditional model for creating your conference’s education program.

BY Dave Lutz, CMP June 1, 2019

When it Comes to Diversity at Events, ‘Tolerance is Not Enough’

The business events industry has a role to play in halting the spread of hate.

BY Sherrif Karamat June 1, 2019

Ageism Remains a Problem in the Workforce

A truly diverse workforce embraces all ages and respects what each generation brings to the table. That’s our challenge in the workspace as well as in business event settings.

BY Michelle Russell June 1, 2019

Follow the 4 Dimensions of a Live Event to Create Peak Experiences

Self-actualization is not the exclusive realm of spirit guides or religious gurus. It should be among your highest priorities in terms of facilitating your participants’ experience.

BY Don Neal May 25, 2019

Business Events Can Make the World Less Lonely

In the May issue of Convene, we cover loneliness, a health issue that has come to be called an epidemic. Globally, the World Health Organization now lists social support networks

BY Sherrif Karamat April 30, 2019

Ethical Tech: Questions Alexa Can’t Answer

Tech ethicist David Ryan Polgar says that we don’t think deeply about how tech is changing ‘how we live, love, learn, and even die.’

BY Michelle Russell April 30, 2019

Flip the Abstract Model at Scientific Conferences

If your scientific or medical event is heavily dependent on participants who justify their attendance because you’ve accepted their oral or poster abstract, you may be diluting the quality of the conference experience. Think about this strategy instead.

BY Dave Lutz, CMP April 23, 2019

How to Make Conference Ribbons Serve a Larger Purpose

Event ribbons are the perfect way to help attendees stand out while still fitting in — by allowing them to signal to others who they are.

BY Don Neal April 18, 2019

What’s a (Working) Mother to Do?

Women, recent research says, have to overcome barriers to career advancement once they become mothers. Events shouldn’t add to their hurdles.

BY Michelle Russell April 17, 2019

Circumnavigating Challenges

Current trade and political tensions are creating a more difficult environment for the global business events industry.

BY Sherrif Karamat March 27, 2019

How to Optimize Learning Environments

Our environment plays an integral role in how we process information. At business events, knowledge transfer is more likely if we design settings that meet our participants’ evolving needs.

BY Sherrif Karamat March 22, 2019

Marketing Tip: Stop Using Last Year’s Photos

360 Live Media’s Don Neal shares three suggestions — inspired by how destinations attract vacationers — to whet registrants’ appetites.

BY Don Neal March 3, 2019

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